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No Risk Evaluation

All credit card processors are not the same. The current Interchange pricing schemes offered by Visa & MasterCard are extremely complicated. They change about every six months and even many in our business lack the expertise to fully understand the best way to implement them in favor of any particular merchant. The days of "one discount rate fits all" are gone. In its place, Visa & MasterCard have created an Interchange system that actually consists of over 200 different discount rates that can apply to transactions run by merchants. Interchange is the rate charged to processing banks by the card associations. Every member bank, large or small pays the same Interchange rate. Each transaction is priced individually based upon the type of card (Corporate, Individual, Rewards) and the manner in which the transaction is processed (Card present, Mail Order, Phone Order, hand keyed, card swiped).

Merchants need to understand that the Interchange system is not set up to benefit them, but rather to benefit the banks that issue the credit cards. With this in mind, it is left to the vendor to create a rate structure for each merchant that takes into account the type(s) of transactions and the kind of cards each particular organization tends to receive. This information is provided on your monthly processing statements from your credit card processor. In most cases it is very complicated and takes a professional to break it out transaction by transaction in order to understand the merchant's needs and provide the most beneficial pricing structure.

Let's see if our program can work for you. We strive to give you the ability to make the necessary changes that will save you money.